Ask Yourself…

Are you being honest with yourself? 

Are you often wearing a mask to hide what you are really going through?

No matter how successful or affluent you may have become, are you still searching for that “something” that is missing in your life?

Are you seeking “something” but you don’t know what it is?

Are there certain painful experiences you’ve had in your younger years that you’ve never been able to share with someone?

Did you experience rejection when you were younger, which you have used to drive you forward in your career?

Have you sometimes felt like you just need someone to talk to that won’t judge you or condemn you?

Are you battling with a secret addiction that you don’t know how to break free from?

Are you seeing your marriage or your family breaking down?

Is your relationship with your child or children not where you would like it to be?

Is your sleep often disrupted and you don’t know how to stop it?

No matter who you have in your life, do you find yourself feeling lonely or lost?

Have you had moments in your career where you’ve felt like you can’t go on?

Since 2020, have you started to question what is really going in the world?

Do you sometimes feel like you just want to give everything up and start something new and simple?

Do you sometimes ask yourself “what is the point in all of this?”

Do you sometimes worry about potentially losing everything?

Do you fear showing vulnerability to your peers?

Do you battle with “imposter syndrome” but you’ve just accepted it?

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the inevitability of death at some point in the future?

Have you ever wondered “what is the true meaning of life?”

Have you had enough of battling with that dark, destructive voice in your mind?

Are you yearning to experience true inner peace?

Have you been worried of opening up as it could lead to you being told you need to seek professional help?

Do you fear that seeking professional help could lead to you being told you have a mental health condition?

Have you considered going to see a counsellor or therapist?

Have you been seeing a counsellor or therapist but you know you are not yet free?

Do you want to be totally “free” but you don’t know how to be free?

Do you just need someone to talk to?